Brice Harney is a renowned magician who has captivated audiences worldwide, enchanting guests at prestigious events hosted by industry giants like Meta, Google, and Microsoft. His talent has been showcased on various platforms, from British television's Channel 5 to the popular viral video TV show "Right This Minute" aired on major networks such as NBC, ABC, Fox, and CW across the United States. Notable figures like Murr from Impractical Jokers, award-winning artist Kane Brown, and Grammy winner Lecrae have all applauded Brice for his extraordinary ability to delve into their minds and unveil their deepest thoughts. With a focus on mesmerizing both on stage and up close, Brice now partners with event organizers to ensure their guests are treated to an unforgettable experience. His dynamic and enthralling performances promise to captivate and leave you eagerly anticipating the next astonishing feat, right before your eyes.